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dh@. dh@. is offline
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Default Dietary ethics

On Tue, 03 Jul 2012 20:54:08 -0700, Goo wrote:

>On 7/3/2012 8:24 PM, Olrik wrote:
>> Le 2012-07-03 12:42, dh@. a écrit :
>>> On Mon, 2 Jul 2012 12:50:12 -0700 (PDT), Rupert
>>> >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Jul 2, 9:31 am, Delvin Benet ýt> wrote:
>>>>> There is nothing inherently unethical about eating meat.
>>>> Modern meat production inflicts considerable suffering on animals.

>> I want pigs to lead a stupendously happy life until they become bacon.

>That's good.

If it's "good" then why are you maniacally opposed to people having
appreciation for when millions of livestock animals experience decent lives of
positive value, Goo?

>Just don't make the mistake of thinking that if they do,
>it justifies eating them. It doesn't.

For one thing you don't know whether it "does" or not Goob, and for another
only an eliminationist has reason to oppose giving the lives of livestock as
much or more consideration than their deaths. Olrik doesn't appear to be an
eliminationist and also doesn't appear to be opposed to taking the animals'
lives into consideration.

>The justification has to come
>from elsewhere.

Humans have as much justification to kill other animals as other animals
have to kill humans and other animals Goo. Some people are capable of moving on
beyond that point and actually consider the animals themselves and what's good
and bad for them. Others of you only want to consider bad things because and
only because considering positive aspects for millions of livestock animals
works against the elimination objective.