On 06/07/12 22:43, dsi1 wrote:
> Snork yourself troll-boy. When you do a search on Google, you'll
> frequently get sponsored links on the top and to the right of the
> non-sponsored search result links. As far as I know, Ad blockers don't
> do shit to suppress these links.
Oh it works, it suppresses well. This is a "Hosts" file:
It suppress all adds, on Google and elsewhere, and never fails. Upon
copying this text file to the appropriate location, there are no more
any adds on Google or any other search engine, web forums or similar.
*nix systems users will simply copy the file to the /etc/hosts. Windows
and Mac users depending of the OS version may need couple of simple
Before using it, there are several commented (#) addresses which when
uncommented were troublesome for early versions of Firefox and few sites
as Disney etc...
Today it just works, just uncomment everything # 127.0... and enjoy adds
free internet. No adds at all, nix, nada, nil, zero.