On Jul 6, 9:53*pm, "Somebody" > wrote:
> "Victor Sack" > wrote in message
> .. .
> > To try to bring it somewhat on topic...
> > In the unlikely case you (or anyone else) are (is) really interested,
> > look up "hrudka" or "syrec".
> > Victor
> I think my dad did mention "syrec" the other day but didn't know how to
> spell. *Thank you for the reply... *Have you ever had it, or made it?
> okay so I think this is it. *But can someone translate? *Maybe the visual is
> good enough.http://www.akosatorobi.sk/video/390/...cna-hrudka-rec...
> why isn't she using an egg beater and seeming to use a paint stirrer in the
> pot? *Maybe she says why in the video, but I don't know what she's saying.
Listen up Somebody, I can't fault you for asking questions - I do
the same thing - but it seems with you that one answer merely begets
another question - and sometimes even a barrage of them that no one
could possibly ever answer to your satisfaction. It sounds to me that
you're looking not for someone to teach you something, but for someone
to do everything for you - a robot maybe. Even a good robot after a
while would probably quit on your demanding ass, or at least start up
a protest with other robots for better working conditions.
Try a little trial and error now and then Somebody. Have you ever
done that? If so, when? How do you do it? Do you usually experiment
with cooking at night or during the day? Does your food come out more
to your liking on Sundays as opposed to mid-day weeks? Is the sun
shining or the sky dark on those days when your food comes out just
the way you like it? Does anything ever come out just the way you
like it?
Of course not, because you're a hopeless complainer, like I told
everyone the first time - but you're an all right guy, so for now I'm
gonna let it slide