Dog3 wrote:
> I've got a lot of cilantro in the garden. I'll never use it all. I've given
> tons to the neighbors and co-workers. Can I salvage this? I've never frozen
> it so I don't know how. I'm not even sure it can be frozen.
In my experience, none of the standard ways of preserving herbs work
with cilantro. You can dry it, but it ends up tasting like tea, not the
nice cilantro taste. If you want to try freezing it, chop it in the
food processor with a steel blade or puree it in a blender. Either way,
add a liquid like water, vinegar, vodka, red wine or tomato juice, and
freeze in an ice cube tray. I've tried all of the above except the
tomato juice. It works a charm with basil, dill, tarragon, parsley,
etc. With cilantro, I always get that nasty stale tea flavor, not the
cilantro flavor I like. Even when I buy cilantro dried commercially, I
never get the fresh cilantro taste. Good luck, and tell me how your
experiments turn out. If you hit on the way preserve that flavor, let
me know. I'm dying to hear it.