Spam! 75 years old today.
Gary wrote:
> Funny (to me)... I hadn't tried Spam in like 15-20 years until about
> a couple of months ago when Bryan went on a rant about how evil it
> was. I bought a can the next grocery trip just to try it again (and
> as a personal protest to Bryan's comments.)
> I actually liked it and so much that I bought another can the
> following week. I now have one can of the stuff in my cabinet for
> whenever...maybe even later today.
Once in a while, and only in the warm seasons, I treat myself with a "spam"
sandwich. I used the quotes because it's not pork spam it's beef, but it's
very similar: it comes in a can, it can be ate both cold or hot and lasts
for ages. Lots of lettuce, a can of beef spam (simmenthal brand) which I
quickly shred and a rich cover-up of mayo, all in ciabatta bread. Cold as it
is it's perfect for summer evenings