What would be, your ultimate appliance companion in thekitchen ?
"jmcquown" wrote:
>"Judy Haffner" wrote
>> MY constant companion in the kitchen would be my little 11# Havanese dog
>> ("Rio") as he is a self-propelled dust mop...standing beside me in case
>> I drop anything on the floor while I'm cooking, so he can grab it up and
>> eat. I haven't seen him turn down anything. He loves cheese, and all
>> veggies and especially loves watermelon. I don't give him "people food"
>> to eat, but he gets plenty that hit the floor, so I make sure I don't
>> drop potatoes, onions, or grapes, as those are not good for a pooch, and
>> the only meat he ever gets a bite out of is roasted, or boiled chicken.
>Your dog is an "appliance"?!
>Do you really drop that much food on the floor?
It's very rare when doing kitchen work that food falls off my counter.
possibly an errant grape may roll off once in ten years... she's
obviously a filthy slob but at least she admits it... I'm imagining a
watermelon falling on the floor, it would kill her electric dog.