Compressed Yeast
On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 13:44:21 +1000, "Farm1" >
>Does anyone know how compressed yeast (in a cake form and bought fresh from
>a refrigerated cabinet) is made?
>The reason why I am asking is that a lot of the old books dating from the
>19th C and the early 20th C which I own, give recipes that describe boiling
>unpeeled potatoes with hops as a way of making yeast. I am curious if that
>old method of making yeast is/was in any way similar to how modern
>compressed fresh yeast is made.
>I've tried doing a google search but failed miserably to turn up anything
>informative ont he subject.
That sort of yeast is commercially grown in vats, centrifuged, then
You need yeast to make yeast...that is, you need to capture and
encourage its growth, or use a seed culture. Compressed yeast is S.
cerevisiae, so you would need to start with a pure strain of that.
It is easy to create a liquid yeast to use at home, but you'd have a
combo of S. cerevisiae or similar (depending on how you start your
culture) and lactobacillus, rather than a pure strain of S.
The centrifuging and compressing is mechanical and probably not easily
done unless you are a tinkerer with access to 2nd hand fancy lab
equipment you can tinker with in your basement or garage..and even