sf wrote about Captain Peter Swallows:
>> Swallows was totally butt-hurt when people laughed at her gooey
>> over-blended potatoes, and she was too insecure to just admit that she'd
>> ****ed them up. She tried to play nice in the RFC Facebook community but
>> was just too shit-headed to stay in that moderated group for long. She's
>> infesting alt.fiftyplus now, where people don't know about her 24-year
>> history of cowardice, lies, and parasitism.
> Let go of your hatred Bob. I've been way more personally offended by
> him than you ever were (if you were at all). Let's just say that you
> have a pit bull personality - which is why have an affinity toward
> them, but it's not a good human trait.
"Hatred" is *much* too strong a term. Swallows is a blustering
braggadocious chronic liar who can't stand being called on those lies.
It wouldn't surprise me if she claimed to be married to Morgan Fairchild.