Dietary ethics
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 13:53:54 -0700, Goo wussiley puled:
>On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 15:05:20 -0400, dh@. wrote:
>>On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:39:24 -0700, Goo wrote:
>>>On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:05:06 -0400, dh@. wrote:
>>>>On Thu, 05 Jul 2012 15:39:22 -0700, Goo wrote:
>>>>>On Thu, 05 Jul 2012 13:14:14 -0400, dh@. pointed out:
>>>>>> Goo doesn't believe any animals benefit from living and it's all the same to
>>>>>>him regardless of the quality of their lives:
>>>>>>"it is not "better" that the animal exist, no matter
>>>>>>its quality of live" - Goo
>>>>>>"It is not "better" in any moral way, and not in *any* way
>>>>>>at all to the animal itself, that the animal exists." - Goo
>>>>>>"It is not "good" for the animals that they exist, no matter
>>>>>>how pleasant the condition of their existence." - Goo
>>>>>>"It is not "good for them" to exist, no matter how pleasant
>>>>>>the existence." - Goo
>>>>>>"Life "justifying" death is the stupidest goddamned thing you
>>>>>>ever wrote." - Goo
>>>>>>"NO livestock benefit from being farmed." - Goo
>>>>>>"No farm animals benefit from farming." - Goo
>>>>>>"There is nothing to "appreciate" about the livestock "getting
>>>>>>to experience life" - Goo
>>>>>>"Shut the **** up about "consideration" for "their lives"" - Goo
>>>>>>""Getting to experience life" has no significance." - Goo
>>>>>>"the "getting to experience life" deserves NO moral
>>>>>>consideration, and is given none; the deliberate killing
>>>>>>of animals for use by humans DOES deserve moral
>>>>>>consideration, and gets it." - Goo
>>>>>>""giving them life" does NOT mitigate the wrongness of
>>>>>>their deaths" - Goo
>>>>>>"Causing animals to be born and "get to experience life"
>>>>>>(in ****wit's wretched prose) is no mitigation at all for
>>>>>>killing them." - Goo
>>>>>>"You consider that it "got to experience life" to be some kind
>>>>>>of mitigation of the evil of killing it." - Goo
>>>>>>"The meaningless fact-lette that farm animals "get to
>>>>>>experience life" deserves no consideration when asking
>>>>>>whether or not it is moral to kill them. Zero." - Goo
>>>The statement below is mangled from the original, and so is not a quote.
>> If you want people to think you disagree with yourself about the quote below
>>Goo then YOU need to try to explain how you think you do. Otherwise Goober we'll
>>be left with nothing else to believe other than that you do agree with yourself
>>about all of it.
>>>>>>"the nutritionally unnecessary choice deliberately to kill an animal
>>>>>>ALWAYS causes a moral harm greater in magnitude than . . . the
>>>>>>moral "benefit" realized by the animal in existing at all" - Goo
>>>The statement below is mangled from the original, and so is not a quote.
>> If you want people to think you disagree with yourself about the quote below
>>Goo then YOU need to try to explain how you think you do. Otherwise Goober we'll
>>be left with nothing else to believe other than that you do agree with yourself
>>about all of it.
>>>>>>"the moral harm caused by killing them is greater in magnitude
>>>>>>than ANY benefit they might derive from "decent lives" - Goo
>>>The statement below is mangled from the original, and so is not a quote.
>> If you want people to think you disagree with yourself about the quote below
>>Goo then YOU need to try to explain how you think you do. Otherwise Goober we'll
>>be left with nothing else to believe other than that you do agree with yourself
>>about all of it.
>>>>>>"no matter how "decent" the conditions are, the deliberate killing
>>>>>>of the animals erases all of it." - Goo
>>>The statement below is mangled from the original, and so is not a quote.
>> If you want people to think you disagree with yourself about the quote below
>>Goo then YOU need to try to explain how you think you do. Otherwise Goober we'll
>>be left with nothing else to believe other than that you do agree with yourself
>>about all of it.
>It's a forgery - not a quote.
If you want people to think you disagree with yourself about your own quotes
Goo then YOU need to try to explain how you think you do. Otherwise Goober we'll
be left with nothing else to believe other than that you do agree with yourself
about all of it.