Thread: Too Soon?
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Default Too Soon?

On Jul 23, 7:20*am, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> notbob wrote:
> >Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >>Krypsis wrote:
> >>>Tommy Joe wrote:

> >>>> I had the radio on earlier. *They were interviewing a producer of
> >>>> some kind - tv or movies, could have been both - asking him about his
> >>>> latest project. *I wasn't really paying attention until I heard the
> >>>> host ask the producer, "So, what's your target audience going to be?"
> >>>> - and I thought, "Hey wait a minute, isn't it a bit insensitive to be
> >>>> using terms like 'target audience' so soon after the Aurora movie-
> >>>> audience shooting?" *Come on people, let's think before we blab.

> >>>It's a very common term in media and education. Why not use it? It was
> >>>in broad use before the shootings and, I daresay, it will remain in
> >>>broad use afterwards.

> >> How much of a target depends on the size of a broad's tits.

> >There can be no end to the "antis" until this aura of horror in Aurora
> >(say if fast 5 times) dies down.

> I wish people would stop saying he's smart, he's not... he's a smart
> aleck/smart ass... a miserable weak minded punk.... weirdness,
> reclusive, anti social behavior in no way translates to smart. *Any
> low IQ sicko could have easily pulled off that same sort of horror...
> were he smart he'd not have gotten caught... he's as dumb as a rock.
> This is the result when people ascribe extrordinary intelligence where
> it doesn't exist and from the cradle, he couldn't live up to
> expectations so he flipped out. *He's been flipping out progressively
> his entire life, until this finality. *He's a punk and a big time
> loser. *It's very sad what this sicko ******* has done, let's everyone
> stop paying homage by referring to him as being smart, NOT!

The Local: Sweden's news in English
Sara Valtersson

Fine line between genius and insanity: study

Published: 18 May 10 11:38 CET | Double click on a word to get a

The distinction between psychological illness and creative thinking is
wafer thin, new Swedish research confirms, arguing that there is a
feasible explanation for why the age-old myth of genius bordering on
insanity could in fact be true.

* Lip-eater's jail sentence 'insufficient': prosecutor (12 Jul 12)
* Prison for man who cut off and ate wife's lip (10 Jul 12)
* 'This is your lip, now I'm going to eat it': husband (3 Jul 12)

It is previously known that highly creative abilities are somewhat
more common in people who have familial history of mental illness and
thus carry a greater risk of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Researchers at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute have now sought to
explain this link by studying receptors in the thalamic region of the

"We have studied the brain and a certain type of receptor, known as
dopamine D2 receptors, and we have shown that the dopamine system in
healthy highly creative people is similar to that found in
schizophrenics," Dr.Fredrik Ullén, who led the study at the Department
of Women's and Children's Health at the institute, told The Local on

The study, penned by Ullén and Örjan de Manzano, and entitled Thinking
Outside a Less Intact Box, indicates that certain characteristics,
such as being able to make bizarre and unusual associations are common
to both schizophrenics and healthy highly creative people.

"Our study indicates that certain characteristics of psychological
illness can benefit those who are otherwise psychological healthy,"
Ullén explained.