Thread: Julie Sightings
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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Julie Sightings

This happened to me:

Around Christmas of 06 I was going to make a tiramisu. I always just bought
ladyfinger cookies at Trader Joes. This year they were completely out. So
I was in a jam and went to a local market. They had none. So I went to
another market and while strolling the cookie aisle this young lass of a
worker was walking towards me and in her valley girl voice goes "can I help
ya find anything" and I said I am looking for ladyfingers. She got a
strange, almost fearful look on her face and breezed by me. I could have
said "cookies, they are cookies" but I figured no, let her think I am
looking for women's fingers to gnaw on.
