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notbob notbob is offline
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Default anti-GMO shopping trip

I did good, considering the scarce resources up here in boonie-ville.

Got me some grass-fed hamburger, organic andouille, organic goat stew
meat, and some organic cheddar cheese. Also scored some peanut oil to
avoid any more canola. Got the peanut oil at Wallyworld, 1 gal fer
$16. Way better than Planter's at $12 qt (750ml?).

Gotta wait fer farmers mkt on Sun fer home grown eggs and produce.
Our Kroger mkt actually has a pretty good selection of organic
produce. Any claim by WW that its produce is organic, I find
ludicrous. Actually, ANY produce at WW, I find meally and
near-juiceless. Horrible stuff.

I fell down on potato chips, buying Lay's S&P Kettle chips. All the
organic chips I've tasted, so far, are about as appetizing as
brn paper bags. Gotta work on making my own, I guess.
