What If 20% of the Adults in That Colorado Theater Were SelfDeclared NRA Rambo Gun Loons, But All Wearing Ballistic Armor From Top ToBottom, Armed With A Shot Gun, A Glock And An Assault Pistol Just Like The Shooter?
On Jul 26, 8:42*am, sf > wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 23:25:49 -0700 (PDT), Robert Miles
> > wrote:
> > How many of the other 80% would have been hit by stray bullets, possibly after they had gone through the original shooter?
> > How many of the 20% would know when to stop shooting, rather than starting to shoot at each other, and causing even more stray bullets?
> Better watch out. *Logic is raising its ugly head and the gun nuts
> don't like it when that happens.
Don't feed the trolls.