What If 20% of the Adults in That Colorado Theater Were SelfDeclared NRA Rambo Gun Loons, But All Wearing Ballistic Armor From TopTo Bottom, Armed With A Shot Gun, A Glock And An Assault Pistol JustLike The Shooter?
Jim Elbrecht wrote:
> "Pete C." > wrote:
> >
> >graham wrote:
> -snip-
> >>
> >> If Americans accept ~20,000 gun deaths per annum as an acceptable price for
> >> their right to bear arms, who are we to judge?
> >
> >Very easy to accept when the majority of those dead are criminals who
> >have been killed by other criminals, police or civilians. Dead criminals
> >are always a good thing.
> I think the majority is suicide-- then the overwhelming majority of
> the remainder is criminals shooting each other.
> That said-- there is only one other topic that draws out as many
> nut-jobs on both sides of the argument. It is sad that *no*
> sensible discussion of gun ownership can ever exist in a public forum.
> Jim
Suicides need not be counted since if a gun isn't available the suicidal
person will just use other means, quite like the mass murderer who
spends months or years planning. Those simply have no relevance to guns.