Chick Fil A
On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 5:11:42 PM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Can end the entire controversy by changing the name to Chick Fil D.
I like that some queer activists in Chicago are planning kiss-ins outside Chick-Fil-A stores. The kind of folks who'd want to support the company aren't going to want their kids exposed to same sex making out. Or maybe...
"Mommy, what are those two men doing?"
"Those men are sinning against the Lord, child, and they will burn forever in Hell for what they are doing."
Send a couple of hot, young, lipstick *******s out there, and the wives would know that their husbands were having impure thoughts. I'd contribute a few bucks to fund to sponsor a couple of attractive women to walk back and forth in front of one of those stores, stopping to kiss at random times. The wives wouldn't want to eat there. Chick-Fil-A has a big problem in that their stores are primarily in metropolitan areas, where there are less backward rubes.
Oh, and Sheldon, you're welcome to suggest that because I support *** rights, that that is evidence that I'm ***. By that logic, I'm also a Black woman.