Chick Fil A
"sf" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 18:37:59 -0700 (PDT), Bryan
> > wrote:
>> On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 7:59:54 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
>> > On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 15:49:44 -0700 (PDT), Bryan wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 5:11:42 PM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> >
>> > >> Can end the entire controversy by changing the name to Chick Fil D.
>> >
>> > >
>> >
>> > > I like that some queer activists in Chicago are planning kiss-ins
>> > > outside Chick-Fil-A stores.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > And they'll probably find that will probably backfire in their kissy
>> >
>> > faces. They'll probably find that heteros that support *** "rights"
>> >
>> > really don't want to see two guys getting hot and heavy in a
>> >
>> > restaurant. Or anywhere else.
>> >
>> Oh, I don't think they have any business doing it in the restaurant, they
>> should do it in the right of way in front of the free standing
>> restaurants, and I wouldn't enjoy watching either, except that I would
>> only experience mild aesthetic displeasure, while people whom I dearly
>> hate would be feeling much worse. I personally find two guys mouth
>> kissing far more difficult to watch than if they were having graphic sex.
>> As pro LGBT-rights as I am, I can't help my emotions. It isn't because I
>> think they're doing anything wrong, men's bodies just kind of gross me
>> out--I am acrophobic and katsaridaphobic (fear of cockroaches) as well, I
>> have my other personal weaknesses--and it's an inconvenience, especially
>> this year when boys who have been out in 100+F temperatures come inside
>> my house, and I find their odor repellent.
>> >
>> > And the company reserves the right not to let citizens protest on
>> >
>> > their private property and kick their asses out. And anybody who
>> >
>> > wants to challenge, disrespect, or cry foul about that fact of law is
>> >
>> > just going to look like a kook.
>> Oh, I don't question the owner from prohibiting in on the property, and
>> they certainly have a right to ask anyone to leave, and yes, it is kooky,
>> Boston Tea Party kooky.
>> >
>> > ObFood: The side effect of this is that chicken prices just went up.
>> >
>> That's *not* why chicken prices are going up, and you know it, and you
>> snipped my hot, lipstick ******* paragraph. Context, Steve, context.
>> >
> People who were properly raised know there's a time and a place for
> everything and it doesn't matter if they're hetero or ***.
I rarely see *** men showing open acts of affection. I mean maybe twice in
20 years. *******s, maybe 4 times in 20 years. And I live in a college
town with a lot of *** students - even an all women's college. Straight
couples - gotta be 10 times a month I have to endure them having near hard
core sex in public. Great big wet slurpy tongue kisses with loud lip
smacking while waiting in lines, butt grabbing, breast fondling, crotch
grabbing - you name it. Sometimes I wonder why they don't just lie on the
conveyer and do it. I even stood next to a couple in a sandwich shop where
the horny dude started to dry hump his GF when she bent over to put her bags
down. They could not have cared less a dozen people were watching. I
practically had to peel this freeky looking amorous couple off me in the
market who got so engrossed in their open mouth kissing they started to lean
onto me. I almost shouted GET OFF ME but they saw my angry face in time.
And I doubt homophobes experiences are any different unless like the worst
of them they hang out near gays. A lot of open homophobia is a guilty
conscience from being so attracted to homosexuals.