Thread: Chick Fil A
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rosie[_1_] rosie[_1_] is offline
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Default Chick Fil A

On Aug 1, 5:49*pm, Bryan > wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 5:11:42 PM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> > Can end the entire controversy by changing the name to Chick Fil D.

> I like that some queer activists in Chicago are planning kiss-ins outside Chick-Fil-A stores. *The kind of folks who'd want to support the company aren't going to want their kids exposed to same sex making out. *Or maybe...
> "Mommy, what are those two men doing?"
> "Those men are sinning against the Lord, child, and they will burn forever in Hell for what they are doing."
> Send a couple of hot, young, lipstick *******s out there, and the wives would know that their husbands were having impure thoughts. *I'd contribute a few bucks to fund to sponsor a couple of attractive women to walk back and forth in front of one of those stores, stopping to kiss at random times.. *The wives wouldn't want to eat there. *Chick-Fil-A has a big problem in that their stores are primarily in metropolitan areas, where there are less backward rubes.
> Oh, and Sheldon, you're welcome to suggest that because I support *** rights, that that is evidence that I'm ***. *By that logic, I'm also a Black woman.
> --Bryan

as far as I am concerned *** rights are human rights