Chick Fil A
In article >, says...
> Nancy Young > wrote:
> > Anyway, I don't care about the guy's beliefs, he has a right to
> > think what he wants, but when he is financial supporting a cause
> > that makes me sick, I won't support him and I haven't been to
> > that chain in forever because of it.
> So what else is new?
> L.L, Bean and their Pro-life stance!
I wouldn't have such an issue with the Pro-lifers if they only would
answer the question -- what do you do once the baby is born?
And the war on contraception in this country is ludicrous.
> Bad shit happens all over the earth!
Yes, but a lot of bad shit happens because good people fail to act to
stop it.
> Like voting, it's simply a matter of opinion.
> That's my opinion and it's very true.
> Andy