On Aug 3, 4:47*am, notbob > wrote:
> Before hitting the county fair, I re-visited a new store in town,
> Ploughboy Foods. *Whoa! *Whatta difference since they first opened a
> little under two years ago. *Then, it was little more than a fledgling
> hole-in-the-wall. *I've seen bigger fruit stands. *Now, it's all grown
> up. *A serious all organic mkt, and looks like it will do enough
> business to make it through this Winter, unlike last year when they
> closed for a few months. *Also, unlike all the crappy health food
> stores, fulla highly processed health foods (a dubious term), this one
> has some serious eats. *I bought a grass fed rib-eye steak, some local
> summer sausage, some absolutely killer swiss cheese, a French
> baguette, and a big ol' cabbage. *They have about 10X more stuff than
> when they first opened and business was good. *I actually hadda wait
> in line to check out. *It was specially nice to see the large
> selection grass fed beef cuts, as this is cattle country and almost no
> one carries the stuff. *We have one very large and prosperous meat
> company, here, and "grass fed" is like a dirty word to them. *The
> health food stores carry nothing but GF hamburger and some elk cuts.
> I particularly enjoy the fact that Ploughboy (old English) sits right
> across the street from Safeway, IMO the most evil mkt on the planet.
> Yay! *Go PB Inc. *
> http://www.ploughboyinc.com/
Don't know where you live but good on ya and them. Support that
upstart and drag all your friends in there too.