Thread: Speculoos
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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Speculoos

sf wrote:
> After the thread about it and me being in Trader Joe's today, how
> could I resist the temptation? So I bought it and tasted it tonight.
> Honest opinion? Rot your teeth sweet! It works in a very small
> amount on an original style Wheat Thin, because all that salt off-sets
> all that sugar... but there's no way I could eat it straight. I'm
> wondering now how I can use up this jar... because I don't think I can
> use it the same way I'd use Nutella. Hmmm, or maybe I could.

You'd think the producers of Chopped on FoodTV in the US read RFC. This
morning I looked on the Tivo schedule for what will record in the next
two weeks. An episode of Chopped that broadcasts in two weeks says
"Speculoos in the appetizer round" as a part of its description.