Why do they recommend...
On Sun, 05 Aug 2012 14:06:21 -0600, gloria p >
>I just finished a double batch of bread and butter pickles and, while
>leafing through the Ball canning book, noted that mot recipes say:
>"Process in boiling water bath xx minutes, remove from heat, and
>after 5 minutes remove jars from kettle."
>Why the extra 5 minutes? In that short time, the temperature of the
>kettle water doesn't cool down enough to remove the threat of burns
>and the temperature of the jars means you still have to use some kind of
>tongs or lifter to remove them from the kettle. Those things are HOT!
>I always BWB process for an extra 10 minutes or so because we are at
>almost 5800 ft. in altitude and water boils here at ~202 deg. F.
>gloria p
I'm not sure what the reason for it is but I know that when I turn off
the burner and remove the lid (an alternate method) and let it sit for
5 or so minutes, many of my jams and pickles have sealed and that I
get a much better record of my tomatoes and beans sealing than when I
just take them out at the prescribed time.
I just took 7 quarts of tomatoes out of the boiling water bath and
they all sealed by the time I had them all out of the water. Next
batch just went into the water. That takes care of the tomatoes that
we have picked except for a few that I picked this morning and a
basket full of cherry tomatoes. The cherries will be made into juice
tomorrow. I'm out of steam now.
Susan N.
"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral,
48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)