Just bought some "long pepper"
Sqwertz wrote:
> I bought mine at Central Market Westgate about 2.5 years ago. It
> wasn't terribly expensive either - under $25/lb, IIRC.
> I was just thinking last night that I don't think I've seen it there
> anytime recently, north or south. I may go by there later today and
> will check for sure. I only have about 5-6 cones left and they're
> pretty old. Still smell pretty good, but probably lacking in flavor.
My long pepper came in custom grinders. I tried it in regular pepper
mills and found out why. The long shape does not work in a regular
pepper mill so it needs a mill with a deeper chamber to hold the stick
shaped seeds.
I take it whole closes would work fine in these little custom grinders.
I am down below half of my original purchase so I poured it all into
one. I have not put whole cloves into the spare grinder yet. I wonder
what all to do with tiny hand ground quantities of clove. Should work
in a lot of dishes.