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spamtrap1888 spamtrap1888 is offline
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Default Ignorance knows no bounds

On Aug 9, 2:26*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> On 8/9/2012 10:54 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >> Just like most rfc'ers don't know the difference betweem cured ham and
> >> fresh ham... it's obvious that perhaps no more than two out of a
> >> hundred have ever eaten fresh ham let alone heard of it.

> Shelly has been spouting this same rant for well over 15 years as if
> he holds some sort of knowledge here that nobody else has. It's sad
> that all he can do is recycle all these same [even more] outdated
> rants.
> I can honestly say I've never eaten fresh ham. *But only because I
> *cook* it first. *Duh. *If you're going to rant about terminology, at
> least get your terminology right, dumbass.
> > Actually pretty common to find uncured ham in the market. It tastes like
> > a pork roast.

> My regular grocer has started carrying them most of the time. *Pork
> butt and picnics are $2.18 and $1.78, respectively. *But whole hams
> are $2.99. *I don't get it. *Front shoulder/leg tastes the same as
> back leg, and you're buying it in bulk. *It should not cost more.

Yield of lean meat is about the same.