Thanks Cheri!
"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>I made the celery salad but not exactly right. I was in a hurry so just
>did plain slices. And I forgot to buy fresh parsley so I mixed some dried
>into the dressing. I only bought two lemons but they were huge. I didn't
>measure the juice or the oil. Just eyeballed it but I wound up with more
>juice to oil and too much dressing for the amount of celery I had. But it
>was VERY good. Both Angela and I loved it. Husband though was being a big
>old doo doo head and refused to even try it. Fine! More for us then.
>Angela had the cheese on hers and I only had the walnuts. Probably
>shouldn't have eaten it though because now my stomach is feeling a bit
>uncertain but... It's very hot here (well for here) today so that was good
>to have for dinner.
YW, I was pleasantly surprised myself when I saw Ina making it. I just
didn't really think of celery as a stand alone salad, and one thing I do
like about it is that celery does stay crisp for a few days so not a huge
hurry to use it. I wash and clean the celery then stand it upright in a
container in the fridge, but it stays nice in the crisper too, of just on
the shelf for that matter.