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Default OT (highly volatile) Is woman-horse love normal?

On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12:06:00 PM UTC-4, John Doe wrote:
> Take a look at this YouTube video.
> Of course there's nothing wrong with taking good care of animals.
> Obviously the horse/pony likes her immensely and is willing to do
> little tricks for her. But stroking and kissing a horse to the
> point that it has an erection? Is that normal for girls taking
> care of horses?
> Note the gushing praise that video is receiving from girls.
> I'm familiar with the idea of woman-horse love. There's a joke
> about girls liking horses in one of my favorite movies Little Big
> Man (1970). But bestiality is not really considered normal, is it?
> I would like to see a poll asking that question, with the results
> separated by gender. But, unfortunately, the one-way media never
> provides results separated by gender on important issues, let
> alone a volatile issue like this one.

Exene seemed to enjoy it.