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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default What to stockpile due to drought.

merryb wrote:
> On Aug 15, 7:36 pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> I could just see it coming! Personally I disagree with some of the
>> things on the list. I know that some people like frozen bread. I do
>> not, although I do freeze the extra slices that are about to go bad
>> and I will use them later for stuffing. It's fine for that. And any
>> time that I buy extra chips or pretzel, they go bad before we can
>> eat them. But for sure I am getting some of that whole wheat pasta
>> from Costco and some extra beans, popcorn and canned stuff.

> This is not making a impact here like it is in the rest of the US,
> Julie- it's just a bit warm today. I'm sure we will see some costs
> rise in the near future because of the rest of the country, but we are
> pretty fortunate here in the Pacific NW. You should be prepared for an
> earthquake, tho.

I did personally need to get some extra food because my husband is retiring
at the end of this month and although he is getting a new job in NY, we
don't know the particulars of that. And the VA has said they don't know
when they can send him that portion of his pay. Although he does get a
retirement income, it will not be enough. So I may have to go without
buying stuff for a few weeks.

I did very well at Fred Meyer today. That's a place I don't normally shop
because overall they have higher prices IMO, at least on groceries. But I
found their brand of whole wheat pasta for cheaper than any other. And they
had good prices on dried beans. I only bought a few of each because I don't
have much storage space for stuff like that. I can put canned food in the
garage but after getting a rat in there and being notified of rat activity
in the area again, there is no way I would put stuff in there that they
might get into.

I will pick up some canned stuff at Winco, assuming they still have the good
prices that they did last week. I used to buy cases of green beans at
Costco but since they switched to carrying the Kirkland brand, I won't buy
them. We just don't like those. Odd because I think we have bought pretty
much every other kind of canned green beans on the market and we liked them.
But these are pretty flavorless.

We went to Top Foods tonight to buy some fruit but I wouldn't pay their
prices. I did find a tub of cut up fruit that was marked 50 cents off so I
bought that. And of course the second we hit the door to the house my
husband was asking for fruit. I don't know if fruit in general has gone up
in price or if Top Foods just has higher prices. We don't normally shop
there. I had wanted to stop at Costco but daughter begged me to go there
instead. We used to go there once in a while to get stuff from their salad
bar but never to do any sort of major shopping.