On 8/17/2012 11:47 AM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article > ,
> George Shirley > wrote:
>> On 8/13/2012 10:37 AM, Lawrence wrote:
>>> On Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:08:02 -0500, George Shirley
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Here's the URL about some folks trying the boiling water bath method of
>>>> suicide: http://tinyurl.com/97k6tw2
>>>> Barb should be happy, it involved Beet Dirt Chunks. <G>
>>> <http://foodsafetyinfosheets.files.wo...afetyinfosheet
>>> -8-2-12-nc.jpg>
>>> "A pint of beets needs to be processed for 30 minutes at 11 psi if using s
>>> dial guage (or 10 psi if using a weighted guage) pressure canner at sea
>>> level."
>>> Holy Cow!!
>> Yup! I've put up canned beets since the middle sixties using that same
>> pressure and time. The raw beets, carefully skinned and cleaned, end up
>> cooked to perfection when properly pressure canned. Just need some
>> heating up on the stove when you're ready to eat them.
>> Pickled beets are another story, the vinegar and the proper timing in
>> the boiling water bath give you the PBDC delights with no danger involved.
>> That's why so many folks on this newsgroup tout state agriculture sites
>> with food safety, most states do have them. The premier site for several
>> years now has been the U of Ga food safety site.
>> Having operated high pressure industrial boilers eons ago I only use
>> real pressure dial gauges on my forty odd year old pressure canner. I
>> just don't trust the jiggler or weight gauges,
> Why not a weighted gauge, Jorge, inasmuch as the jiggle indicates the
> release of pressure to keep it at the correct psi. At least that's what
> I understand about it.
And you're right, look at my last paragraph. I used to be a boiler
operator in a chemical plant, ran boilers that put out 600 lb steam and
others that went as high as 3000 psig. Gauges are set in my mind, no
jigglers on high pressure industrial boilers, just relief valves and no
decent plant operator wants to hear the relief valve blowing useful
steam to the atmosphere unless you have to scram the unit, ie. shut it
down in emergency mode. It's a personal quirk, sort of like not eating
beets. <G>