Thread: Olive oil
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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Olive oil

On Aug 17, 8:49*am, Bryan > wrote:

> People like to think of themselves as the sort of person who likes EVOO. *Makes them feel snazzy. *There are a very few things I like EVOO on/in.. *I bought the extra light stuff because I needed to fry some chicken at work, because it's the only decent oil they have at the grocery store. *At home I have been using pecan, but the next order will be high oleic sunflower:
> High oleic sunflower has a lipid profile very similar to olive, but is more neutral tasting, and far less expensive. *Anyone who is frying in anything else is making a less than ideal choice.

I have used more olive oil in my life than the average American
but I knew even at a young age that it did not go well with everything
because it is as you say so dominant. It's great on salad, especially
extra virgin, for my tastes anyway. But for cooking it can really
screw up some things. Try cooking a Chinese meal with a tried and
true recipe but using olive oil in place of the peanut or whatever oil
the recipe calls for - it's going to taste pretty offensive. I used
olive oil on a lot of things when I was a kid, and still do today, but
for frying eggs (for example), olive oil gets in the way and I much
prefer butter. So of course if you try to use olive oil on all sorts
of things it's not going to work out well for you. That is my input,
thank you.