Have you ever invented a new dish?
On Aug 17, 4:39*am, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> But more recently... *Any time I try to think up something new to make, I
> look it up and find that there is already a recipe out there that if not
> exactly like what I'm going to make is very similar. *I guess it's kind of
> hard to come up with a new dish.
I guess in a world that's been around millions of years and now
totals 7 + billion people it's not possible to come up with anything
new period. But some ideas certainly can be more creative than
others. Standup comics argue about this all the time - some idea they
had that someone else is using, and then accusing that person of
stealing "his" idea. Still, I would say that if you thought of
something on your very own and made it and liked it, it is indeed your
creation even if someone else or even thousands of them have done the