"Tommy Joe" > wrote in message
On Aug 17, 8:49 am, Bryan > wrote:
> People like to think of themselves as the sort of person who likes EVOO.
> Makes them feel snazzy. There are a very few things I like EVOO on/in. I
> bought the extra light stuff because I needed to fry some chicken at work,
> because it's the only decent oil they have at the grocery store. At home I
> have been using pecan, but the next order will be high oleic
> sunflower:http://www.bulknaturaloils.com/Produ...-oleic-organic...
> High oleic sunflower has a lipid profile very similar to olive, but is
> more neutral tasting, and far less expensive. Anyone who is frying in
> anything else is making a less than ideal choice.
TJ:" I have used more olive oil in my life than the average American
but I knew even at a young age that it did not go well with everything
because it is as you say so dominant. It's great on salad, especially
extra virgin, for my tastes anyway. "
Snap! I too love it on salad but I also add a drizzle of caramelised
Balsemic - I find that combo just perfect on (most) salads.
TJ: "But for cooking it can really
screw up some things."
Like you, I don't like OO for cooking many things. I'ts great in for any
Italian type recipes but for most other recipes I' prefer to use Safflower
oil or similar.