Olive oil
On Aug 18, 8:08*am, George M. Middius > wrote:
> Do you worry about your mood swings?
I am the same all the time. It is you and your interpretation of
me that has mood swing problems, not me. Nothing mood-swingy about
telling a person his post made me laugh or that I enjoyed it. It's
just honesty. I wouldn't go so far as to call it mood swings. Your
malady is similar to that of people who tell other people, "You have a
bad attitude." I think if anyone has a bad attitude, it's the person
who openly accuses someone else of having one. Even worse is when
people call me negative. I am not negative, the people who see me
that way are. I may be cynical and forthright, but I overall I am far
more optomistic than most might think. I am also not manic/depressive
- although I suspect everyone has a touch of it to some degree. Your
interpretation of what you perceive as my malady is really your own
bouncing back in your face. You are mentally ill Mr. Middius. I am
studying to be a psychiatrist and am willing to let you be my first
client for a reduced rate or even for free the first session. Are you
down with it?