Olive oil
On Aug 18, 5:16*am, Gary > wrote:
> Let me ask you this, TJ. *Have you ever tried the Pompeian brand of EVOO?
> Up until recently, that's the only kind I've ever tried and I didn't like
> it. I would love to know your opinion of it since you obviously know your
> stuff. *:-D
> Maybe a better question would be what brand do you use?
> This would be like me asking my dentist, "What dentist do *you* go to?"
> His answer might be an even better dentist. *:-D
I still think it's a matter of how you use the oil and what you're
using it on. I used to use Pompeian all the time but found some
cheaper ones even though Pompeian is relatively cheap anyway. I have
come now to use the Good Value brand from WalMart. I know it's not
quite up to snuff because it lacks the smell of the good extra virgin
olive oils I've liked. I do not know the brands. I'm like you, no
desire for expensive experiments to determine good quality. I use the
Good Value stuff and that's good enough for me. I used to insist that
the container be glass, now I've even dumped that demanding attitude.
It's oil, it works, the stuff I put it on is good, and I'm satisfied -
and as far as I'm concerned that makes me an expert. But when I said
I was an expert, I did not mean of brands and their names, I meant
only that upon smelling some olive oils in people's homes, such as my
grandparent's home, and elsewhere over time I have come to know the
oil I'm looking for by aroma. But since stores don't have an open &
sniff policy, for now the Good Value walmart stuff is good enough for