Thread: Olive oil
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Olive oil

Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Aug 2012 06:27:40 -0400, Gary wrote:
> > I think you and sf need to kiss and make up rather than nym to contact her.
> > Did you say her real name is "Barbara?" It's time I learned such things.
> >

> OK, Gary. You can broker a kiss and make up deal between us. You are
> hereby appointed the arbitrator.
> -sw

I'll give it a try....
Hi sf! (and are you Barbara?)

As you know, the killfile only keeps you from reading things that Steve
doesn't care if you read or not. He occasionally nymshifts when he wants to
trick you into reading something. And you do read it.

I've never understood the whole Killfile thing and have never used it.
I guess it's the only power we have over people we don't like.
It's just a power thing......killfile....PLONK!

Even someone that might annoy you occasionally often says useful or
interesting things. We are like a family here. Do you shun (killfile) your
own family members?
I don't ignore boring threads either as they often shift to other subjects.

The one thing I like about RFC it that people can talk about things other
than food, like being sick, having an operation, moving to a new place, new
music, black bears in your yard, etc. Once you get to know people here and
they become "friends," it's only normal and nice to be able to talk to your
"friends" about anything in your life.

Many will tease you (and I do that) or strongly argue with your opinions.
You can joke them back or ignore but in a family you should listen to all,

Rodney King: "Why can't we all be friends?" (and be awarded $3.8 million
