Thread: Olive oil
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Olive oil

ViLco wrote:
> Il 19/08/2012 05:14, Tommy Joe ha scritto:
> > only that upon smelling some olive oils in people's homes, such as my
> > grandparent's home, and elsewhere over time I have come to know the
> > oil I'm looking for by aroma. But since stores don't have an open&
> > sniff policy, for now the Good Value walmart stuff is good enough for
> > me.

> Look if you can find some EVO oil tasting, lots to learn in an easy and
> pleasant way, and it won't be expensive unless the tasting is mixed in
> with a dinner, but then you get the dinner too.

Like I said, there is an olive oil store only about a mile from my house.
They offer free tasting of all. Once I go there (I'm waiting for a relevant
friend to visit that might enjoy the trip), I'll get to sample many kinds of
REAL olive oil and be able to ask questions.

It's all free but I'll buy a small bottle of something as is probably
