ViLco wrote:
>Gary ha scritto:
>>>> I second that! And some drops over a cup of cold strawberries, or on a
>>>> dollop of ice cream, or on a grated steak, or on a 3mm thick slice of
>>>> warm mortadella, or on a dish of risotto al parmigiano reggiano.
>>> Or on Sofia Loren's turgid nipples.
>> You wouldn't want her nipples now, Sheldon. ;-0
You wouldn't want to put money on that?
>LOL, sad but true
Vilco, what a sad excuse for an Italian you are... all that pot has
rotted your brain, if you ever had one.
I'd do her, I wouldn't need to think about it for a Noo Yawk minute.
Forever hot:
There's no way Gary and Vilco ain't faggots, no ****in' way... I bet
they'd do each other.