On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 10:30:09 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> I'd do her, I wouldn't need to think about it for a Noo Yawk minute.
>> Forever hot:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_Loren
>> There's no way Gary and Vilco ain't faggots, no ****in' way... I bet
>> they'd do each other.
>I'll skip doing Vilco and also Sophia.
>You want a 77 year old woman, there's hope for you yet.
>You old pervert. hehehe
Sofia ain't just any 77 year old woman, she's a Goddess... and ladies
bosoms don't develop right away so they are like 12-13 years
younger... I'm almost 70 so I'd 'bout be robbing the cradle... it's
all in how you think about it.