Thread: Olive oil
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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Olive oil

On Aug 19, 7:23*am, Gary > wrote:

> I think that's what Sheldon suggested and uses too.
> So again, my question about Pompeian... *So you've used it in the past.
> Since you are familiar with EVOO, did the Pompeian taste right/authentic to
> you? *It has a stronger flavor than the new brand I bought.
> I just need to go to that store a mile away sometime and sample all of their
> cool olive oils and ask questions there.
> I'm an EVOO semi-virgin myself. I don't know what it's supposed to taste
> like.
> If I've had bad stuff in the past, I'd like to try some good stuff to make
> my final opinion.

I was half kidding when I said I was an olive oil expert, although
I've had many different types over the years, mostly at other people's
places, relatives and so forth, and never bothered to mark the brands
in my brain. It's a matter of taste. I also think maybe not all
bottles even of the same stuff is the same - a different batch maybe -
in the same way that some marijuana from the same plant may not be as
good as others of the same variety you used before - or a jalapeno
pepper being hotter at one purchase than at another. You may not like
the taste. I prefer the extra virgin for salads and tabouli and so
forth, but it's just a matter of taste. I use olive oil a lot, but as
I said before, on some things it's just overwhelming. I don't know
what to recommend olive oil wise. I have bought stuff from Lebanon at
the middle eastern shops I used to go to. Some was ok, some wasn't.
I just know what I like more by the smell than anything else. I guess
you might use the word fruity or nutty - I never considered EVOO as
being rancid as some have mentioned here. But for cooking I'd say use
regular olive oil or another type of oil altogether. It's almost like
you want to like the stuff and can't, kind of like me with LSD when I
tried it 4 different times and hated each experience yet went back to
try it again in the hopes of maybe suddenly becoming a fan of the
stuff. Actually, once it started wearing off I would be ok and would
actually like the feeling and would want more. But it was funny,
taking that stuff and feeling paranoid and swearing "never again", yet
stubbornly trying again to like it. But like you said the first time,
olive oil is strongly flavored, and if you don't care for the flavor I
would suggest using another oil altogether. When I said I was an
expert, I did not mean on brands - only that I've had a good deal of
the stuff. I got some from Lebanon that looked good because it had
sediment on the bottom that gave me an "oh yeah, this is the real
deal" feeling - but the taste did not live up to the appearance. It
was not expensive. You know from past exchanges that I'm not the sort
to go around spending money on pricey experiments. Sorry I can't be
of help.