Have you ever invented a new dish?
Tommy Joe wrote:
> On Aug 19, 8:37 pm, Yeff > wrote:
>> Years later I'm in a doctors office flipping through a Readers Digest
>> and come to "Humor in Uniform". There is my very joke, under the very
>> same circumstances, told from the perspective of someone else. I'm
>> sure they didn't steal the joke from me.
> Absolutely, an interesting example. I'm not a pro comic and
> wouldn't want to be, although I wouldn't mind being a professional
> talk-show guest - no act required, just the right guy asking me the
> right questions. But while I am not a pro comic I have done comedy
> and have known many of these clowns and believe me they are a
> competitive bunch. Some have a more balanced view, but most I've met
> think every last thought that enters their brain is theirs - and it
> is, in their own brain. At the same time it is nice to be told that
> something you've done is creative or unique. Unique is fine with me.
> I have a similar one to yours. When I was hanging out at the
> poolroom in Hollywood back in the late 60s we were young and sitting
> around talking about which ethnic group was the worst cause of our
> problems. Everyone had their own pick for worst of the lot. As each
> ethnicity was bashed I expressed sentiment with the put-down but added
> my own, saying, "Those groups are nothing compared to American
> Indians. Why don't they just go back where they came from?"
> Now that is not hilarious but I thought so at the time and so did
> the others. A few years later I was watching a Marx Brothers movie in
> which Groucho was at a socialite party and he said that same thing to
> a dime-store indian-looking guy at the affair. Now, maybe I heard
> that when I was really young, but more likely the conversation us guys
> were having brought it out of me, the way exchanging ideas with other
> people is bound to brings new ideas to the heads of all. Sometimes a
> guy can say something funny and not even know it's a joke till someone
> laughs, at which time he might even think at first that he's being
> laughed AT. Then he laughs himself when he realizes the joke he just
> told without knowing it was a joke. That means the guy who laughed
> was as much the author of the joke as the guy who told it.
> TJ
A few months ago a woman I know referred to a girl has having no filter. I
assumed she had coined the term. But now since then I have heard this
almost daily. So it must have been used in some movie or some TV show that
I haven't seen.