Olive oil
Gary > wrote in :
> Once I took 2 semesters of Economics in college years ago, I
> tend to follow the Republican beliefs of financial issues but
> that's where it ends. Once the Republican party got in bed
> with the Religious Right, they lost me bigtime.
Although two semesters of economics is not a lot, I suspect it's
a lot more than the current leaders of the gop.
We have two types of conservatives in Canada, the ones that
belonged to the old Progressive Conservative Party (yes, I know,
it's a oxymoron, but it's politics) who feel for the most part
disconnected from the bible thumping yahoos who have taken over.
One used to be able to have an intelligent conversation with a
Conservative (I remember the Joe Clark government had some bright
people), but it's no longer possible. They seem to be more like
angry little children who destroy things because they "don't like
them". And that is largely their basic policy. Destroy anything
they don't like.
Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected
from happening.
-- Barbara Tober