Olive oil
On Monday, August 20, 2012 10:10:43 AM UTC-6, Michel Boucher wrote:
> Gary > wrote in :
> > Once I took 2 semesters of Economics in college years ago, I
> > tend to follow the Republican beliefs of financial issues but
> > that's where it ends. Once the Republican party got in bed
> > with the Religious Right, they lost me bigtime.
> Although two semesters of economics is not a lot, I suspect it's
> a lot more than the current leaders of the gop.
> We have two types of conservatives in Canada, the ones that
> belonged to the old Progressive Conservative Party (yes, I know,
> it's a oxymoron, but it's politics) who feel for the most part
> disconnected from the bible thumping yahoos who have taken over.
> One used to be able to have an intelligent conversation with a
> Conservative (I remember the Joe Clark government had some bright
> people), but it's no longer possible. They seem to be more like
> angry little children who destroy things because they "don't like
> them". And that is largely their basic policy. Destroy anything
> they don't like.
> --
> Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected
> from happening.
> -- Barbara Tober
Michel you are so right...these new CONservatives want to destroy
everything they don't like. Nothing like angry little evangelicals
when it comes to vengeful government policy.
A pox on them, I say.