Gary wrote:
> Perhaps I just haven't been here long enough. I still read (or at
> least a quick scan) of every post.
As did we all at one point. We also, at one point, each prided
ourselves on our democratic, non-exclusionary character in doing so.
More power to you if it's what you wish to continue to do.
> As I said too, I don't disguard
> uninteresting threads either as they can quickly morph to another
> subject.
I rarely ignore an entire thread unless it's one I was interested in
that takes on another subject and life of its own, in which case I keep
reading it only if the change of subject is of interest to me -
sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. The most common reason for me to
ignore a thread is when it becomes a private conversation between a few,
usually just two, people - that's what G-d invented email for.