On 8/20/2012 11:20 AM, Ema Nymton wrote:
> On 8/19/2012 5:27 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> I like ketchup in pot roasts too. I'm affraid that I use more than a
>> litte of the stuff. Balsamic vinegar is also good - mostly for the
>> color. I'm not much of an herb kind of guy. I can't say when was the
>> last time I used marjoram or thyme.
> Have never thought of using balsamic vinegar, but now I will. My mother
> always used Kitchen Bouquet, for color, so I use it, too.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitchen_Bouquet
> Becca
That's pretty old school. We had a bottle of that stuff when I was a
kid. That bottle was ancient! I was scared of it although the
ingredients in Kitchen Bouquet were fascinating and odd.
I used to have a bottle of thick Chinese soy sauce - boy that stuff
would really darken a stew or sauce with a few drops. It worked too
good. I think it might have had squid ink or coal dye in it or
something. :-)