notbob wrote:
> Wow. Today was last day of a sale on blueberries, a fruit I was never
> much fond of, before. Now, I love 'em. Anyway, they had fresh whole
> blueberries on sale, $3.99 lb. I bought two and made up some pie
> crusts last night. I also put some in this morning's oatmeal. Yum.
> I thought, man, I want more! So jumped in truck (Mom napping) and
> went to store. They were out. But, the produce clerk saw my angst
> and gave me three 6 oz organic BBs (18ozs!) fer the sale price. I got
> three more. Now I'm up to my eyebrows in BBs (4 lbs).
You need to plant some blueberry bushes, they'll grow very well where
you live.