Flour and moths
On Aug 19, 9:46*am, Ad > wrote:
> I've had the same problem. I think the moth eggs were already in your
> flour to begin with. It mainly means you bought a natural product.
> Maybe you can freeze the flour or buy less of it, so the eggs don't
> get a chance to hatch.
Living alone I don't keep a lot of stuff around other than pasta
and beans and rice in a cabinet. I started seeing moths hanging
around and when I'd open the door they'd be all over in there.
They're strange moths, pretty slow. Just as the original poster I
suspected they were invading my grains, but in time I learned they
came from the grain itself.
Here's how I found out for sure. I got so tired of the moths
hanging around for months that I finally bought a few large plastic
container to put my rice and beans in. I threw out all older bags,
which to be safe was most of them, even if they weren't out of date.
I put what was left in the containers and the moths seemed to
disappear, at least from the cabinet.
Then one day I pulled out a jar of white rice, about half full -
and noticed as I shook the jar a small dark lump in the rice. I shook
it again to get a clearer view at which time I noticed a fully grown
moth flying around in the still closed container. I doubted it got in
there when I made the switch from bags to jars, so I assumed at that
point that the batch of white rice I had was contaminated even from
the store. I know everything is alive, that unseen germs live on
everything, so it's not like I'm shocked by it or anything, but I
really believed in the beginning that the moths invaded from outside
when really they were being hatched from within. Sort of almost like
the way problems spring up in life and we see them as coming from
outside when really they come from within.
Lesson Learner #1