SCORE! blueberries
On 22/08/2012 1:52 AM, Judy Haffner wrote:
> The bad part about me trying to pick berries around our house in the
> woods, is keeping an eye out for the BEARS, as seems to be an abundance
> of them this year, and especially now, as the fish are running in the
> creek by our house! I take our dog with me so he can alert me, but then
> not sure what I'd do, as not about to try and climb a tree at my age!
Take a friend with you.... someone who can't run as fast as you can.
I have a couple blue berry bushes in my yard but the birds seem to be
pretty good at picking them just before they are ripe enough for my
taste. I put fine hardware wire around the bushes this year to keep the
birds out but they little buggers still got at the berries first.