SCORE! blueberries
Judy Haffner wrote:
> The bad part about me trying to pick berries around our house in the
> woods, is keeping an eye out for the BEARS, as seems to be an abundance
> of them this year, and especially now, as the fish are running in the
> creek by our house! I take our dog with me so he can alert me, but then
> not sure what I'd do, as not about to try and climb a tree at my age!
> :-O
Are you a US citizen? Then the question answers itself. Pick the
bigger gun and go armed for bear. A hunting license is only needed if
you go out there looking for the bear. Empty the gun into the center of
mass and don't worry that you spoil a lot of the meat doing that. Then
call 911 and ask if the park rangers are the ones who respond to
attacking bears that got shot dead.
If you're in some other country that lets bears kill its citizens, never