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gregz gregz is offline
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Default What do you have for breakfast?

gregz > wrote:
> Dave Smith > wrote:
>> On 21/08/2012 5:26 PM, l, not -l wrote:
>>> I am retired but before retiring I cooked a good breakfast every day, then
>>> put in a 9-10 hour day, commute included. Before my children grew up, I
>>> cooked theirs as well as mine - wife too until divorce, after that, I didn't
>>> much care to cook for her 8-)

>> I used to do the bacon and egg breakfast once in a while when I was
>> working. Then I worked with a crew who liked to go out for breakfast, so
>> first thing in the morning we stopped for "coffee".... bacon and eggs.
>> They never did sit well with me and I switched to cereal and fruit.
>> I have been retired for 8 years now and breakfast is typically either
>> some type of porridge or a bowl of Shredded Wheat with fruit, banana or berries.

> When I worked, I often got a donut and coffee out at the food truck. The
> truck shut down and often just got coffee at cafeteria. Later, I would grab
> a handful of dry cereal and coffee for breakfast. Now, sometimes I'll get
> some alcohol and go back to bed.
> I have been wondering, what if I scramble two eggs and keep adding complete
> pancake mix, until it becomes a pan/egg ??
> Greg

The mix produced a pan/egg, but just ok. Was thick and chewy. I'll try it
with just a little mix to make it fluffy. As far as the pan/egg, I would
rather have a pancake with egg on top.
