How do you eat your artisan bread?
Shelley, it's OK to show your pain.
> >Poor Shelley -- burnt again.
> >
> >> >My turn: Why would you entertain such an idea?
> >>
> >> Because you're a stalker/creep, who never contributes anything but
> >> personal put downs. Most serious RFCers participate for
> >> entertainment, you are obviously here for psycho therapy.
> >
> >Geez, I thought you'd have a thicker skin, Shel. I actually haven't
> >been trying to hurt your feelings.
> You can't hurt my feelings, my skin makes rhino skin seem like tissue
> paper.
That claim contradicts your obvious pain. Have a drink on me.
> But you pick mostly on those who are easily offended... the
> low life coward that you are... to date you've posted nothing useful
> on topic, zero.
Au contraire, my unwashed antagonist. I often warn people not to take
anything you say seriously. Even so, some of the more gullible
denizens of this group seem to believe some of the crocks o' crap you
like to drop. But I'm not discouraged. I will keep pointing out your
nuttiness when I feel like it.