Flour and moths
"Quinch" > wrote in message
> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Quinch wrote:
>>> I tend to buy flour in bulk in large paper sacks that would ideally last
>>> me about a year or so, if not more. The problem is that, inevitably and
>>> usually in the summer, moths manage to crawl inside at which point the
>>> whole batch is pretty much unrecoverable. Trying to seal the sack has,
>>> at best, only delayed the inevitable, so I'm wondering, does anyone have
>>> any advice on how to deal with this?
>> Couldn't be an easier solution... don't buy flour in bulk... if you
>> have to throw a bunch out then what did you save? Next time don't buy
>> more than you can use within about six months. Also perhaps you need
>> to change stores where you buy, they can not be storaging properly,
>> nowadays even more stores turn off their AC after hours... it's very
>> likely you're not storaging flour properly either. If you live in a
>> warm/humid climate and don't use A/C refrigerate/freeze your flour.
> It's not that bad - even with the eventual infestation, the amount I end
> up tossing is small enough to make the whole bulk purchase cheaper than
> buying it in smaller packages. I'd still rather not have to toss *any* of
> it, though, which is why my question.
If I were you then, I would repackage what you do have. Put it into smaller
plastic containers or bags. Unless of course the cost of doing that would
be prohibitive. That is what I have done with all of my baking things. I
didn't pay a lot for the containers. Many of them came from Big Lots. Some
I already had. That way if I *do* get bugs in there, they will be confined
to that container or bag.