On 8/25/2012 9:22 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 8/25/2012 9:03 AM, George wrote:
>> On 8/24/2012 10:24 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> Who wounded them? They weren't shot by the gunman, all of his
>>> bullets are accounted for. I haven't heard anything about the
>>> cops being hurt.
>> The initial lets invent something reports painted the gunfight picture.
> Right, but that was cleared by the time the troll posted last night.
>> The later reports all seem to say it was a murder and suicide by police
>> after the murderer drew on the two cops who were tipped off by the
>> construction workers. Bystander injuries all seem to be related to
>> police overreacting. One officer fired nine times and the other seven
>> times.
> Things like that can happen when a murdered puts a gun practically
> in your face. A lot of adrenaline flowing there. This guy had just
> assassinated someone.
> nancy
Sure but shouldn't we expect better judgment as to how many shots they
fired? The cops did know they were on a crowded street with people in
the line of fire.
CCTV of police shooting Empire State Building gunman